New Video: Molla - Alejo Story


“Each of us…are celebrated because of the stories that we tell. And this year, we became the story…this story does not just affect the entertainment industry…it transcends any culture, geography, race, religion, politics, or workplace.” – (2018) Oprah Winfrey receiving Golden Globe Awards.
In my latest musical work, titled ‘Alejo Story’, Of my forth coming E.P “777” I shared what most people might have hidden from others or gotten buried under the ground from. I shared my short and brutal experiences, and learnt from relationships with people of different ‘character colours’.
Like I have a story. So, do you! Everyone has an ‘Alejo Story’ peculiar to them. We all have one or more things to learn, get inspired by, motivate people with, and change the world around us by sharing.
Join me and my special friends. Share your special #MyAlejoStory on your Instagram or Twitter pages, use the hashtag and let’s use our collective stories to change the narrative and how others interact with us and others; next door or Continents away!

Watch Video Here

  DOWNLOAD Audio Here: Molla - Alejo Story 

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