Thank You Message From NASU to Mrs Milka P. Musa

it is with great delight to be honoured by a mother, mentor, epitome of virtue and Icon.
it is on this note that we want to appreciate your audience and time been given to us.  the entire university community are humble by this emulating Lifestyle.
Again we are pleased to hear and see more of our plea, been acted upon. ma they entire university students will graciously welcome a progressive and deterministic approach towards curtailing all negative Vices bedevilling our institutions across Nigeria and Beyond, let me borrow a word from they HOLY SCRIPTURES "Intelligent People are always eager and ready to learn. Proverbs 18:15"
I strongly believe that all things are intentional to they Glory of GOD ALMIGHTY. our Prayers is that may GOD continue to usher you into great men just like what they word of GOD says and i so quote  "They gift of man ushers him into great men Proverbs 18:16 ". We strongly appreciate your kind gesture and approach towards they entire Nigeria Students and Beyond.
Thank you and God bless.

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